From Friday Grafíkk coasters available in the shop of the museum arts visual, my favorite, not only for its spacious and warm as wood for my taste trumps particular or because it is a museum that feels the intimacy of a gallery, but its always quiet environment ... to walk in peace ... awesome. just opened new sample and it looks very very good ...
Friends, with mixed feelings dismissal to my good friend and great partner Rina , happy clarity of goals and the certainty that will be successful in what is proposed, but sad for not being able to continue to share this project is Grafíkk that emerged for us as natural and smooth from the planning, during their development and consolidation ...
Ri luck in your new endeavors! and remember that the doors are open simpre Grafíkk:)
let them farewell letter to you can say goodbye in their own words, here goes:
Dear friends and colleagues,
I give them the news with great sadness I have decided to leave Grafíkk.
This is because I will devote my full-time academic activity,
not forgetting that the doors are always open design.
I am delighted and feel very proud to have been part of this company
emerged as a project of friends in college
and has progressively grown the effort and desire
forward to form a joint venture.
On the other hand, there have been a joy to travel this road with Pamela,
addition to being a member's first friend,
and thank him for sharing good times, great,
bad, unpleasant but all worth it
and helped us grow in this uncertain world of undertaking a separate project.
Finally I would like to thank you for joining me in this journey.