say that obesity is contagious may seem exaggerated and, moreover, contributes to the stigmatization of already relegated 'chubby'. But a study published earlier this year in 'The New England Journal of Medicine' has shaken the scientific community by showing that the tendency to add kilos on the scales lying between the social environment of obese following a similar pattern of infectious diseases. Research shows that genes play a role but are less culpable for the escalation of obesity than previously thought. Instead, experts are hopeful because maybe preventive strategies, education and treatment to alleviate this public health problem can spread through social ties and have a positive multiplier effect.

When a person gains weight, those close to them are at much greater risk of starting to get fat too. Thus, the excess kilos and obesity spread relentlessly, building on the framework family ties and social as you would a virus.
The authors of the amazing research chose a segment of the sample participating in the Framingham study, a large epidemiological monitoring as part since 1948, all inhabitants of the American people that names to work.
The authors of the amazing research chose a segment of the sample participating in the Framingham study, a large epidemiological monitoring as part since 1948, all inhabitants of the American people that names to work.

"Our work suggests that obesity can spread through social networks in a quantifiable and predictable pattern that depends on the nature of such ties. Moreover, social distance seems to be more important than strictly geographical in this sense, "the authors conclude the curious up.
Very important
So where to begin to educate? Despite the importance that experts concede to school, they have no doubts: the training work should begin in the family, which is the nucleus where an individual develops their behavior (but then the profiles in groups outside the unit).
rule, the woman is who does the shopping and food, or at least, is organized by the basket of food and menus, so fortunately or unfortunately the women play a fundamental role in the transformation that we must undertake if we are to reverse the current trend to continue gaining weight.
The New England Journal of Medicine. July 2007
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