If you are one of those books, books accumulate around you, I'm sure I will understand when I say I can become a genuine invading our living space.
Who said that knowledge does not take place? Clearly
deals, and much ...
's why it's important to structures provide us the order of the books, either at home or in our workplaces that are comfortable and practical . It is clear that we can always resort to force as shelves or other traditional solutions, but if it is true we need to sort the books and urges us to find a quick solution, what better than to use a standard system also take care to detail design.
And for this purpose nothing better than structures extendo , an Italian brand specializing in shelving and all sorts of media. His system is very simple to assemble and with spectacular results . They themselves tell us what your secret ...
"The system consists of extendo aluminum extendable, adaptable to different heights of the rooms. Acting on a lever hidden profiles are locked at the desired height and compressed between the floor and ceiling, without using tools or prior fixation. Extendo becomes vertical support on which are composed modularly shelves, racks, containers modules and drawers in different materials and finishes: varnished, glass, ceramics, aluminum black, white aluminum, natural veneers and plywood.
Well you see, easy to explain and easy to install.
Want to see the result? Well let's go slowly seeing its many options, because what began as a simple shelving from floor to ceiling, now has become a "big family" that combines a thousand ways to create authentic design spaces.
Besides practice, I find it very nice the idea that books are the actors and structure almost disappears. I think it would be perfect as also divide spaces, such as between the dining and living room, bedroom and work area or office and meeting area.
What do you think?
We can also find the tower of books but with a tightening system wall.
As you see may also include other Accessories that fit seamlessly as needed. So we can get a small nightstand support,
a cd support,
a practical hanger,
a bath accessories,
or even a minibar .
And finally I leave you with images that illustrate the infinite possibilities of the system and extendo hope will inspire you if you need to put "knowledge" in order.
Do you like this kind of solution to keep everything organized?
do enjoy a good book and a good weekend ...
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