Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bath After A Brazilian


Not infrequently the Peruvians forget the characters who helped lay the foundations for a better society, rather tune acquire television or print media dedicated to denigrate another's life. Thus the approach of Flag Day, we want to acknowledge one of many Peruvians who can serve as a symbol of the delivery of the day: Alfonso Ugarte. We could cite other as the head of the defense of the hill, Francisco Bolognesi, or some of the "Cabitos" teenagers, 13 and 14 who also fought there. But it is better to focus on a character to understand its greatness.

For his sacrifice in combat and wearing the uniform, Alfonso Ugarte many believe it was military. And it was not. Born in 1847, he went into business in Iquique, capital of the Tarapaca region, where were located the main nitrate Peru. With great gift of leadership, was elected mayor of Iquique in 1876, barely 29 years old. Ugarte had embarked on a pleasure trip to Europe, but upon learning of the outbreak of war between Peru and Chile decided to suspend and return as soon as possible to their land.

With its own private armed battalion (Iquique N º 1), and he himself led, this is the reason why was given the rank of colonel, if you have ever spent by a school military. His small battalion fought heroically in the battles of San Francisco and Tarapaca. In Arica took part in the defense of the hill, a strategic location for defense in the region. On June 7, 1880 died heroically in defense.

Beyond his tragic death and that of hundreds of Peruvian soldiers in this battle, it is comforting to recognize the existence of Peruvians who gave up their goods and their lives for the dignity of Peru. Also today we have, and thousands. They are ordinary people in their homes, jobs, various institutions have the interest of the community as a reason for their living. Thanks to them we still feel that Peru as a nation is present, and especially future.
Juan Borea Odría


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