nutrition in adults should focus on maintaining health and prevent the development of disease by monitoring a varied, healthy and balanced according to age, sex and physical activity of the individual. Healthy eating habits have to be combined with a favorable lifestyle practices that include regular exercise, and reduction of toxins such as alcohol and snuff. And is that nutrition has become a tool that is used not only to prevent deficiency diseases, but as a defense against chronic diseases.
weight gain
nutrition in adults should focus on maintaining health and prevent the development of disease by monitoring a varied, healthy and balanced according to age, sex and physical activity of the individual. Healthy eating habits have to be combined with a favorable lifestyle practices that include regular exercise, and reduction of toxins such as alcohol and snuff. And is that nutrition has become a tool that is used not only to prevent deficiency diseases, but as a defense against chronic diseases.
weight gain
The most prominent physiological change in many people during this time is weight gain leading to obesity in many cases. Obesity is defined as the increase in body weight over 15% of the value considered normal due to increased body fat. The objective parameter that defines the existence of obesity is Body Mass Index (BMI), which is obtained by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared. Applying this formula is considered obese with a BMI equal to or greater than 30 kilograms per square meter.
The most worrying is that is growing. In addition, people with a BMI over 30 are at higher risk for diabetes, hypertension, hyperuricemia and gout, gallstones, hyperlipidemia (High blood cholesterol and triglycerides), cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems, digestive ailments, arthritic hips and knees and psychological and social problems. Therefore, the physiological changes resulting from weight gain have important implications for health.
Decreased basal metabolism
The contribution of energy through food must be tailored to individual needs based on age, complexion and physical activity level. According to committee estimates the WHO (World Health Organization), from the 40 years reduce energy requirements by 5% per decade, since it reduces the individual's basal metabolism (energy consumed by the body at rest to maintain vital functions: pumping blood, maintaining body temperature, etc.).. This translates into the need for a lower caloric intake, a fact not usually referred to by many people, leading to weight gain that can lead to obesity if not rectified in time.
eat better and feed
Eating properly is essential at all ages in the life cycle, although each phase has some specific requirements. At maturity, dietary recommendations focus on increasing food more ability to delay aging and prevent disease. Nothing can be done to control the "biological clock" of our cells. However, there are at least three ways to combat free radicals, another major cause of premature aging and disease.
Eating properly is essential at all ages in the life cycle, although each phase has some specific requirements. At maturity, dietary recommendations focus on increasing food more ability to delay aging and prevent disease. Nothing can be done to control the "biological clock" of our cells. However, there are at least three ways to combat free radicals, another major cause of premature aging and disease.
diet from this age, when no associated diseases, is limited to a balanced diet according to personal requirements, taking into account certain nuances:
• When eating, distinguishing between hunger and appetite.
• Eat slowly, so relaxed and spend at least 30 minutes for this important part of the day. In case you are worried, anxious or angry, it is better to lie down in a quiet place, close your eyes, breathe deeply and relax, and then when one is already spare, engaging in eating.
• Fraction food in several shots, at least three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and respect the timing of meals, not skipping meals.
• Eat sitting at the table, in a calm and orderly manner, without mixing the dishes.
• Plan menus in advance to prepare properly.
• Chew food well, as digestion of many (cereals, potatoes and vegetables) starts in the mouth. In this way takes more nutritional value and the body is biased toward better digestion.
• Foods rich in complex carbohydrates (cereals, pulses and potatoes) should form the basis of the food provided meet the amounts to personal energy needs.
• Minimize excessive consumption of sweets for its wealth of simple sugars and calories, especially in case of obesity, diabetes or blood lipid disorders.
• Watch the fat source of food. Should reduce animal (saturated fat) because of its ability to increase cholesterol levels in blood and accumulate in the walls of the arteries hindering blood flow through them and increasing the risk of developing arteriosclerosis. In return, increasing consumption of fish and eat olive oil preferably, both foods are rich in unsaturated fatty acids indisputable merits of reducing dietary triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
• No abuse of table salt or sodium-rich foods (meats, preserves, etc.)..
• Drink plenty of water (1, 5 liters per day) to keep the body well hydrated and promote kidney function.
Very important
There is a great myth that must be buried. There is a popular belief that water is "fattening" when taken with meals. Drinking a liquid (water or other drinks) before, during or after meals has nothing to do with these foods have the capacity to gain more or less. What actually happens is that it dilutes the gastric juices and a result, digestion slows. This is the reason why people who suffer from difficult digestion and heavy, they should omit any kind of drink during or immediately after meals. However, for those who do not suffer any digestive upset there is no explanation dietary show that he can take fluids in these situations. Ms. Carmela
Fernandini Artola
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