Today our beloved Marist Family is celebrating: it is the day of our Holy Father Founder, Marcellin. The day that our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Good Mother, welcomed him in the Father's glory to enjoy eternal life, and make 168 years.
Marcellin Champagnat, a French Marist priest, is the founder of the Institute of Marist Brothers of the Schools or Little Brothers of Mary. The attractiveness of his person is not born of a first impression but a continuous, simple. Like Mary of Nazareth, in an unassuming manner. Its interior is rich and deep draft is contagious personal dynamism, joy, Marian spirituality and trust in God. Children and young people are your friends and you have a special affection. The brothers, who both loves are the inheritors of his spirit. His faith journey leads him to the primacy of love, that holiness is.
Marcellin Champagnat, a French Marist priest, is the founder of the Institute of Marist Brothers of the Schools or Little Brothers of Mary. The attractiveness of his person is not born of a first impression but a continuous, simple. Like Mary of Nazareth, in an unassuming manner. Its interior is rich and deep draft is contagious personal dynamism, joy, Marian spirituality and trust in God. Children and young people are your friends and you have a special affection. The brothers, who both loves are the inheritors of his spirit. His faith journey leads him to the primacy of love, that holiness is.
said Champagnat, "I can not see a child without being assaulted by a desire to teach the catechism and tell him how much he loves Jesus Christ. " out the need to develop faith through culture: " If only it were to teach academic subjects to children, the brothers would not be necessary, would be enough teachers for that work . If we claim to give religious instruction, we are bound to be simple catechists, gathering an hour a day for them to recite doctrine. But our goal is much higher: we want to educate, that is, make them aware of their duties, teaching them to observe, infuse the spirit, feelings and religious habits, and let them acquire the virtues of a good Christian. We can not be achieved without teachers, without live with children, but they're much time with us. " This project is an integrated education from a Christian perspective.
Marcelino educational style is rooted in their spirituality. Love Jesus and Mary is the inspiration of his teaching. Their motto is: "All to Jesus through Mary, all to Mary for Jesus." is subtracted, for example, to the influences of his time on the issue of corporal punishment very common at that time. His teaching and educational contribution amounts to the religious vision of life and people, in a deep sense, the ability practice to address the various situations that arise in the pedagogy of presence as the best form of prevention and the preference for the poor and abandoned.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph are at the center of your heart and your prayer. On Saturday, June 6, 1840, the eve of Pentecost, shortly before dawn, Marcelino rendered his soul to God at the age of 51. He leaves behind a very great accomplishment, but his project is even more ambitious: "Every diocese in the world in our view." Today nearly 5,000 Marist Brothers and numerous lay make present the charism of Marcellin in 75 countries.
On 29 May 1955, Marcelino took the glory of Bernini in the act of beatification, under the pontificate of Pius XII and the April 18, 1999, Champagnat is canonized by Pope John Paul II. This pope, 20 September 2000, the year of Jubilee, bless the sculpture of St. Marcellin Champagnat became part of the holy founders of religious orders represented in the Basilica of San Pedro.
M. CHAMPAGNAT, Letters, Luis Vives, Zaragoza 1996
LluĂs Serra Brother Test Llansana
the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat, Marist Province, Chile 1999
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